Thursday, April 23, 2020
The Dalai Lama Speech Essay Sample free essay sample
‘World peace must develop from interior peace. Peace is non merely mere absence of force. Peace is. I think. the manifestation of human compassion. ’ Quoted by a adult male of peace. a adult male of many names. the Ocean of Wisdom. the Compassionate. the Presence. but chiefly known as the 14th Dalai Lama. Tenzin Gyatso was recognised as the reincarnation of his predecessor. the 13th Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lamas are believed to be the Bodhisattva Avalokite vara. a heavenly being that embodies the compassion of all Buddhas who have delayed their ain enlightenment and chosen to take metempsychosis in order to function humanity. Born on July 6. 1935. into a peasant household in Northern Tibet. Lhamo Dhondrub as he was originally named was non recognised as the embodiment of the old Dalai Lama until he was two. He changed his name to Tenzin Gyatso in 1940. the twelvemonth he became a novitiate monastic and the official religious leader of Tibet. We will write a custom essay sample on The Dalai Lama Speech Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page His formal instruction began a twelvemonth subsequently at the age of six and by the age of 25. 1959. he completed his concluding surveies in Buddhist doctrine. However. before he finished his instruction. on November 17. 1950. he was summoned to presume full leading of Tibet at the age of merely 15. This is because China had invaded the state a month before. A failed Tibetan rebellion in 1959 put the whole part on border and forced the Dalai Lama to fly in expatriate as Chinese governments were be aftering to assassinate him. Since 1960. he has lived in Dharamsala. India. Throughout his life. the Dalai Lama has made three chief committednesss and I quote ‘will carry on with the first two committednesss till my last breath’ . His first committedness is based on the degree of a human being and therefore is the publicity of human values like compassion. forgiveness. tolerance etc. He believes that all worlds are the same and that we all want felicity and no agony. This brings us to the Dalai Lama’s 2nd committedness. As a spiritual practician. he has the duty of advancing spiritual harmoniousness and apprehension among all spiritual traditions. He believes all faiths have the same potency to make good in human existences and therefore it is of import for us to esteem one another and recognize the value of each other’s several traditions. Finally. his 3rd committedness is based as a Tibetan. The Dalai Lama has the duty to move for all other Tibetans on the country’s issue with China. He strives to come to a reciprocally good solution between Tibet and China Since his expatriate. the Dalai Lama has made many peace enterprises and has led runs to increase consciousness of his country’s state of affairs. One illustration includes appealing to the United Nations on the inquiry of Tibet. In 1987. the Dalai Lama proposed a 5 Point Peace Plan for Tibet as the first measure towards a peaceable solution. He wanted Tibet to be seen as a sanctuary. ‘a zone of peace at the bosom of Asia’ and wanted to let Tibet freedom of address and belief without any menace from China. One of the points was besides to reconstruct and protect Tibet’s natural environment and effort to set up the forsaking of China’s usage of Tibet for the production of atomic arms and dumping of atomic waste. Sadly. China has yet failed to react to the peace proposals set out. By presenting the 1989 Nobel Peace Prize to the 14th Dalai Lama. the Norse Nobel Committee want to ‘emphasise the fact the that the Dalai Lama. in his battle for the release of Tibet. has systematically opposed the usage of force. On the contrary. he has ever advocated dovish solutions. based on tolerance and common regard. so as to continue his people historical and cultural in heritance. ’ He besides became the first Nobel Laureate to be recognised for his concern for planetary environmental jobs and since 1959. received over 90 awards. honorary doctors degrees. awards etc. in acknowledgment of his message of peace. non-violence. cosmopolitan duty and compassion. The Dalai Lama has travelled to more than 62 states and met with presidents. premier curates and crowned swayers of major states. He has besides met with caputs of different faiths and many well-known scientists. Along with his accomplishments. the Dalai Lama has written more than 72 books and given negotiatio ns to the general populace on chiefly Buddhism and spiritual harmoniousness. compassion. the environment and universe peace. Bibliography Title| Author| Publisher| Year Published| Date Used|Lighting the Path| The Dalai Lama| Lothian Books| 2003| 26/8. 27/8. 28/8| Freedom in Exile: the Autobiography of the Dalai Lama| The Dalai Lama| Harper Collins| 1990| 26/8. 27/8. 28/8| Nobel: a Century of Prize Winners| Michael Worek| Richmond Hill| 2008| 1/9. 6/9| Books Web sitesTitle| Link| Publisher| Date Published| Date Used|Three Main Commitments|hypertext transfer protocol: //www. dalailama. com/biography/three-main-committments| The Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama| -| 1/9. 6/9. 7/9| Brief Biography| hypertext transfer protocol: //www. dalailama. com/biography/a-brief-biography| The Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama| -| 1/9. 6/9. 7/9| Nobel Peace Prize 1989| hypertext transfer protocol: //www. nobelprize. org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1989/lama-bio. html # | Tore Frangsmyr| 1990| 1/9. 7/9| World Peace: The Reality of War| hypertext transfer protocol: //www. dalailama. com/messages/world-peace/the-reality-of-war| The Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama| -| 7/9| Videos and MoviesName| Publisher| Link| Date Published| Date Used|A Talk for World Peace| YouTube| hypertext transfer protocol: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=QxhVvXqBiDc| 9 July. 2011| 1/9. 6/9| Dalai Lama Documentary Trailer| YouTube| hypertext transfer protocol: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=qBbuyZIRXjA| 4 April. 2007| 6/9. 7/9|
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