Saturday, February 29, 2020

Analysis Of The Market For Kids Apparel Marketing Essay

Analysis Of The Market For Kids Apparel Marketing Essay Popular culture is no longer regional. The advent of cable television, syndicated radio programs, and the Internet has created a world where a fashion statement in New York will be on the streets in a small mid-western town in a matter days. The speed of our telecommunication system has increased young customers’ expectations and demands for products that represent their own cultural statement. This clothing store business plan details how Smoke Jumpers will offer young customers the youth-oriented products and clothing that are popular in large urban areas but not available locally. The target customer is â€Å"Generation Y,† age 11-18, who listens to alternative music, participates in youth sports like skateboarding and snowboarding, and looks toward alternative clothing trends in large urban areas for inspiration. Smoke Jumpers will provide the distinctive clothing, shoes and products that are just ahead of the fashion curve. Introduction Good times for the Indian k ids’ apparel market are in the offing. The evolution in the buying behavior of children, and their influence over their parents results in a big difference in purchase decisions. Media exposures and promotions also cause a significant influence in the market. Evolving dynamics in this market have made it necessary for the manufacturers and retailers to evolve their business strategies’ in order to sustain themselves in the market. Many manufacturers come up with their own brands, while some others enter into business through joint ventures. Today’s kids are more fashion conscious, and are ready to experiment with clothing. Increase in the amount of disposable income, and retail blitz has brought a sea change in the Indian kids apparel market. With kidswear being considered as a part of the lifestyle segment and a strong emphasis is being placed on brands, this segment proves to be a potential business Objective of Feasibility study Products SmokeJumpers will off er young customers the following youth-oriented products and clothing: Shoes Jackets Sweaters Shirts Pants Bags Hats T-shirts Dresses and skirts Shorts Kids Wear Industry/Market Analysis Market for kids’ apparel is the fastest growing industry in India. Manufacturers are coming up with fancy materials targeting kids who are more interested in the upcoming fashion trends. Children’s garments are available in various forms and designs. Kids’ apparel market is more unorganized than any other segment of apparels. The market is a proposition of the good, bad and the ugly. A huge volume of kids’ apparel in India is being dominated by local and unorganized players. This gives an excellent opportunity for the organized players to lay a strong foundation in this segment. Indian market is now moving towards an international look in terms of children’s apparel. Cotton plays a major role in the clothing of children. Approximately, 86% of the kidswear are of co tton. Branded kids apparel market is in its nascent stage in India with a handful of national and international brands. Industry analyst estimate that market size of branded kidswear in India including brands like Ruff Kids, Ruff Baby, Planet Kids, Gini & Jony, ZAPP, Li’l Tomatoes, and Weekender Kids is estimated to be around Rs 1,000 Crore. They positively assert that branded market for kids is growing at 15% per annum. International brands including Barbie, Mothercare, Benetton Kids, Pepe, Lee Kids, Tommy Hilfiger, and Adams Kids have also entered the Indian market.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Explaining Sustainable Agriculture Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Explaining Sustainable Agriculture - Term Paper Example (Feenstra 530) The term ''sustainable agriculture'' (U.S. Code Title 7, Section 3103) means an integrated system of plant and animal production practices having a site-specific application that will over the long-term: Satisfy human food and fiber needs. Enhance environmental quality and the natural resource base upon which the agriculture economy depends. Make the most efficient use of nonrenewable resources and on-farm resources and integrate, where appropriate, natural biological cycles and controls. Sustain the economic viability of farm operations. Enhance the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole.(Hedburg 1) Therefore Sustainable agriculture is a way of raising food healthy for consumers and animals, respects animals, does not harm the environment, is humane for workers, provides a fair wage to the farmer, and supports and enhances rural communities. ... Soil is protected by natural ways Soil is protected from erosion by cover crops and organic matter is continually used Conserve water and quality Water is polluted by dropping Aquifers also the agricultural chemicals degrade water supplies and threaten aquatic life Farming methods conserve water and soil moisture and protect surface and ground water from pollutants and sediment Managing Organic Wastes By using Industrial agriculture methodology large amounts of animal wastes are transferred from one place to another which increases the chances of spills and water pollution Animal wastes provide nutrients for growing crops without polluting the water Encourage biodiversity Monoculture is the norm: farms are plowed fence row to fence row, wild â€Å"unused† areas are put into production, only the most productive few crop varieties or livestock breeds are raised Diversity is the norm: of habitats, livestock, crops, wild plant and animal species, and of genetics within crop and li vestock species Select plants and animals adapted to the environment farmers raise non-adapted crops also Genetic engineering narrows genetic diversity Farmers raise such animals and plants adapted to the existing environment also genetic diversity is preserved Conserve non-renewable resources Use of fossil fuels isencouraged Food production is centralized in a few regions Conservation of fossil fuels is encouraged and Renewable energy resources are used Food production is decentralized to encourage local, biodiverse, environmentally-adapted food systems which save fossil fuels Increase profitability and reduce risk farmers are pressurized to increase the size of their operations Short term profit is in focus farmers are

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Case Study of Nursing tool Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Case Study of Nursing tool - Essay Example According to his next of kin (his daughter) he is usually fit and well, and leads a reasonably healthy lifestyle. Mr A is profoundly deaf, and uses sign language and lip reading to communicate. Due to his prolonged immobility Mr A is susceptible to tissue damage. Because of his condition an adapted Waterlow (1985) risk assessment is carried out regularly to manage the risk to his skin integrity. There three scales used to measure the risk of developing pressure ulcer; Braden, Norton and Waterlow, however, none of these three tools satisfactorily measure ulcer development for a hospital patient (The Royal College for Nursing, 2005, p. 34). One reason for this is lack of prognosis in the developing these tests. When all methods have similar lack of precision then Waterlow is used for its ease of use. Philip Woodrow is not very supportive of using Waterlow (1995) as it is â€Å"now rather dated† (p. 110). Another study for pressure ulcers prevention and treatment by Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) at the University of York, concluded that there is no â€Å"best buy† equipment that can be recommended (Cullum, Ciliska, Haynes & Marks, 2013). Sussman and Jensen (2007) suggest that all three scales; Braden, Norton and Waterlow, are effective; they are â€Å"validated risk assessment instruments† (Sussman & Jensen, 2007, p. 346). A word of caution go es with this justification; The NICE (2005) guideline consider risk assessment tools like Waterlow (1988, 2005) and Braden (1987) as â€Å"aide memoire†; nurses must not solely rely on these tools (Iggulden et al., 2009, p. 192). These tools do not replace clinical judgement (Ousey & McIntosh, 2008, p. 171). Despite the fact that the card is outdated, it is still very useful today. The literature review suggests using both formal and informal methods to assess the risk of PU. It is also useful in the sense that it allows the card score to compare with