Monday, December 30, 2019
Reading Comprehension and Making Predictions
One of the signs a child is having problems with reading comprehension is trouble making predictions. This, according to Dr. Sally Shaywitz in her book, Overcoming Dyslexia: A New and Complete Science-Based Program for Overcoming Reading Problems at Any Level. When a student makes a prediction he or she is making a guess about what is going to happen next in a story or what a character is going to do or think, An effective reader will base their prediction on clues from the story and his or her own experiences. Most typical students naturally make predictions as they read. Students with dyslexia may have trouble with this important skill. Why Students with Dyslexia Have Difficulty Making Predictions We make predictions every day. We watch our family members and based on their actions we can often guess what they are going to do or say next. Even young children make predictions about the world around them. Imagine a young child walking up to a toy store. She sees the sign and even though she cant yet read it, because she has been there before she knows it is a toy store. Immediately, she begins anticipating what is going to happen in the store. She is going to see and touch her favorite toys. She might even get to take one home. Based on her previous knowledge and clues (the sign on the front of the store) she has made predictions about what will happen next. Students with dyslexia may be able to make predictions based on real-life situations but may have problems doing so when reading a story. Because they often struggle with sounding out each word, it is hard to follow the story and therefore cant guess what is going to happen next. They may also have a hard time with sequencing. Predictions are based on what happens next which requires a student to follow a logical sequence of events. If a student with dyslexia has problems sequencing, guessing the next action will be difficult. The Importance of Making Predictions Making predictions is more than just guessing what is going to happen next. Predicting helps students become actively involved in reading and helps to keep their interest level high. Some of the other benefits of teaching students to make predictions are: Helps students to ask questions while they are readingEncourages students to skim or re-read portions of the story to better understand it or to recall facts about the characters or eventsProvides a way for students to monitor their understanding of the material As students learn predictions skills, they will more fully comprehend what they have read and will retain the information for longer periods of time. Strategies for Teaching Making Predictions For younger children, look at the pictures before reading the book, including the front and back covers of the book. Have students make predictions on what they think the book is about. For older students, have them read the chapter titles or the first paragraph of a chapter and then guess what will happen in the chapter. Once students have made predictions, read the story or the chapter and after finishing, review the predictions to see if they were correct. Create a prediction diagram. A prediction diagram has blank spaces to write down the clues or evidence used to make a prediction and a space to write their prediction. Clues can be found in pictures, chapter titles or in the text itself. A prediction diagram helps students organize the information they read in order to make a prediction. Prediction diagrams can be creative, such as a diagram of a rocky path leading to a castle (each rock has a place for a clue) and the prediction is written in the castle or they can be simple, with clues written on one side of a paper and the prediction written on the other. Use magazine ads or pictures in a book and make predictions about people. Students write down what they think the person is going to do, what the person is feeling or what the person is like. They can use clues such as facial expression, clothes, body language, and surroundings. This exercise helps students understand how much information you can obtain from being observant and looking at everything in the picture. Watch a film and stop it part way through. Ask students to make predictions on what will happen next. Students should be able to explain why they made the prediction. For example, I think John is going to fall off his bike because he is carrying a box while he is riding and his bike is wobbling. This exercise helps students to follow the logic of the story to make their predictions rather than just make guesses. Use What would I do? techniques. After reading a portion of a story, stop and ask the students to make predictions not about the character but about themselves. What would they do in this situation? How would they react? This exercise helps students to use previous knowledge to make predictions. References Robb, Laura, Reading Clinic: Use Predictions to Help Kids Think Deeply About Books,, Date UnknownShaywitz, Sally. Overcoming Dyslexia: A New and Complete Science-Based Program for Overcoming Reading Problems at Any Level. 1st. Vintage, 2005. 246. Print.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
In Cold Blood Death Penalty - 1413 Words
In Cold Blood: Death Penalty Capital Punishment has been part of the criminal justice system since the earliest of times. The Babylonian Hammurabi Code(ca. 1700 B.C.) decreed death for crimes as minor as the fraudulent sale of beer(Flanders 3). Egyptians could be put to death for disclosing the location of sacred burial sites(Flanders 3). However, in recent times opponents have shown the death penalty to be racist, barbaric, and in violation with the United States Constitution as ...cruel and unusual punishment. In this country,although laws governing the application of the death penalty have undergone many changes since biblical times, the punishment endures , and controversy has never been greater. A prisoners death†¦show more content†¦Studies show that the chance for a death sentence is up to five to ten times greater in cases with white victims than black victims(Flanders 25). In the criminal justice system, the life of a white person is worth more than the life of a black person. The mentally retarded are victimized by the death penalty. Since 1989, when the Supreme Court upheld killing of the mentally retarded, at least four such executions have occurred. According to the Southern Center for Human Rights, at least 10 percent of death row inmates in the United States are mentally retarded(Long 79). Juveniles are subject to the death penalty. Since state execution of juveniles also became permissible in the decision cited above, at least five people who were juveniles when their crimes were committed have executed(Long 79). Innocent people can-and have been- executed. With the death penalty errors are irreversible. According to a 1987 study, 23 people who were innocent of the crimes for which they were convicted were executed between 1900 and 1985(Long 79). Until human judgement becomes infallible, this problem alone is reason enough to abolish the death penalty at the hands of the state more dedicated to vengeance than to truth and justice. Executions do not save money. There are those who cry that we, the taxpayers, shouldnt have to support condemned people for an entireShow MoreRelatedIn Cold Blood Death Penalty2766 Words  | 12 Pagesaccording to the law of the great state of Kansas. Using evidence that the criminals themselves have provided, I shall prove to you that these men deserve to get the death penalty as retribution for their sins. I suppose I should begin my argument by going over the specific laws regarding the death penalty in Kansas. The death penalty is given as punishment for capital murder with 8 aggravating circumstances. The defendants are guilty of several of these aggravating circumstances, and I will go throughRead MoreApproaching Death1369 Words  | 6 Pagesthat they are punishable by death. These crimes are called capital crimes and the gruesome punishment you go under is referred to as capital punishment. Some states have abolished capital punishment; many states still uphold this ancient practice. Thirty-two of the fifty states in the US still have capital punishment. With the death penalty such a controversial topic, there are bound to be pieces written on it. The books The Last Day of a Condemned Man and In Cold Blood, both narrators tell the taleRead MoreThe Last Day of a Condemned Man by Victor Hugo and In Cold Blood by Truman Caopte626 Words  | 3 Pagessurrounded by the death penalty is the humanity of it. Can we consider making someone wait for months, and even more realistically years, to be put to death? In the books The Last Day of a Condemned Man and In Cold Blood, both narrators tell the tale of impending death. While The Last Day of a Condemned Man is told in a first person view, In Cold Blood is told from a third person. Although from different views, each tells the trials and tribulations of approaching the death penalty. The Last DayRead MoreIn Cold Blood: Nature vs Nurture Essay885 Words  | 4 Pagesfamous non-fiction novel, In Cold Blood, there is evidence that supports the injustices of the trial: death penalty. The final outcome of the trail was never to be any different than death. â€Å"Of all the people in all the world, the Clutters were the least likely to be murdered†(Capote 85). We know the two men who killed the Clutter family, Perry Smith and Bill Hickock, preplanned the crime with malice and forethought. Although the actions were crul and grusome, does Death Row fit what they did if theirRead More The Death Penalty: Justifiable Essay977 Words  | 4 Pages The Death Penalty: Justifiable -Preface: Let it be noted now that this speech is very opinionated. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I strongly believe that the Death Penalty is a form of punishment to be used when needed. Which opens up the question, when should it be used? That may be the breaking point in a lot of arguments, deciding when to use the death penalty is a very touchy subject. I believe that only murderers deserve the death penalty, but I do not believe that all murderersRead MoreTruman Capote Arguments On Capital Punishment811 Words  | 4 PagesCapote’s Novel, In Cold Blood, Capote synthesises the writing techniques of a reporter and an author to tell the horrific and true story of the Clutter family murders. Capote uses comparison, selection of detail, and understatement to pose his argument that capital punishment is not a correct practice. Upon murdering the Clutter family, Perry Smith and Richard â€Å"Dick†Hickock are housed in a jail as they await their trial, which would bestow upon each of them a charge of death by hanging. While inRead MoreThe Death Penalty Is The Most Appropriate Type Of Punishment843 Words  | 4 Pagespunishment that should be given to a convicted criminal. The name of this capital punishment is mostly referred to as, The Death Penalty, and it can be presented in different ways. This consists of being vitally shot at by a firing squad, poisoned in a gas chamber, given a lethal injection, and so on. Today in the United States, there are thirty one states that approve of the death penalty, while nineteen states believe it is unethical and have completely abolished it from its state (Robert Costa). ThisRead MoreAnalysis Of Truman Capote s Cold Blood1091 Words  | 5 Pagespunishment, one gets the death penalty while the other gets 15 years. To think that the outcome should be the s ame, however there are more than one factors that play into a person receiving the death penalty and they are not always considered fair. In Cold Blood by Truman Capote, displays a situation where Perry Smith commits a violent crime, and is charged with the death penalty instead of serving years in prison. Some might argue that his crime was vicious enough for him to receive death, but who gave themRead MoreJustice Delayed Is Justice Denied Essay1119 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"accidental†murder (involuntary manslaughter), I still believe in the death penalty for the most cruel and heinous crimes. For these type of crimes the wrongdoer deserves the worst punishment possible ( The United States Sentencing Commission web site states â€Å"because death obviously is an aggravating factor, it necessarily would be inappropriate to impose a sentence at a level below that†( The death penalty acts as a deterrent to future criminals and i t allows the stateRead MoreTruman Capote s Cold Blood1620 Words  | 7 Pagesin many fans-- In Cold Blood. The very formation of Capote s novels and short stories seems to be increasingly insufficient to the eccentric dynamics of the time era (nytimes). Agonizing, horrible, surfeited with disasters -- all used to describe the crime novel in which Truman Capote spent more than five years untangling and following the truth behind the killing of Herbert Clutter and his family. Capote has strong arguments in his novel that make him credible; In Cold Blood proves to be a superb
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Construction Management Free Essays
Bonds LaShundra Hines Indiana Wesleyan University Personal Finance BUS 150 Keith Smith July 22, 2009 Construction Management The function of a construction manager is to advise and consult a client or owner concerning the programming and design of a project. This would include cost estimation, coordination of the work schedule , equipment and material deliveries. A concern in the managers advisement and consultation is trade jurisdiction of the various contractors and the activity coordination of the engineers and architect. We will write a custom essay sample on Construction Management or any similar topic only for you Order Now One of the most important functions of a construction manager is to offer critical analysis as it relates to the design, economics, and constructibility being proposed by the architect while always keeping in mind the initial budget and the ultimate goal of providing the best possible facility. Demographics In the analysis of demographics and its impact on commercial spending, consideration should be given to the cause of Dayton residents who flee to neighboring communities,increasing crime rates. The lack of employment opportunities, and the infiltration of less desirable residents who fail to take proper care of their property, are some reasons for this flight,which robs Dayton City limits of responsible consumers whose spending would otherwise enhance retail development and progress. It is true, that those disadvantaged families who have been victimized by alcohol and substance abuse, economic down turns and criminal activity, need decent residents like anyone else. However; given the current economically depressing conditions, law enforcement, city inspectors and other institutional overseers are obliged to be more diligent in minimizing problems that arise under these circumstances. Urban Retail Strategy Proper use of land based resources dictates that urbanism advocates mixed-use development which combines residential, commercial, cultural, and recreational uses, rather than segregating these uses into separate zones or traditional single-use zoning. This strategy also facilitates the presence of a variety of demographic entities as per age, sex, income, etc. These varied consumers would be available in the area of retail development and would also cancel some concerns of isolated criminal activity. Environmental Concerns Asbestos legal firms advertising to represent victims of asbestos contamination , appear hourly on tv commercials. This fact emphasizes that asbestos is still a dangerous threat to the population at large. It is a carcinogenic with a prolong incubation period (30+) years, that incapacitates the lungs and breathing process by the infiltration of hook-like fibers for which there is no cure. The state of Ohio is reminded of the devastation caused by asbestos in the city of Mansfield. Exposure to construction materials that were manufactures there, consisting of asbestos caused the death of workers and their families. This occurred prior to governmental warnings and regulations of asbestos containing materials; and has resulted in a host of multi- billion dollar class-action law suits. Dayton is likewise, littered with older structures and vacant buildings that present a similar threat and must be dealt with in consideration of any urban renewal strategy. Environmental Considerations Type I and type II environmental research and analysis involves a careful walk-thru grid pattern of the land area to investigate the presence of illegal dumping, oil and chemical leakage, the presence of underground utilities and other buried materials. Various municipal departments and the fire department , should be consulted as to the historical use of a particular parcel. The type II process involves the abatement of such research which include taking bulk samples of hazardous materials for lab analysis and later air samples during and after abatement to determine atmospheric quality. For many decades throughout the country we have seen large segments of the general populace favor suburban residency. This same phenomenon has affected the downtown and inner-city areas of the city of Dayton for many of the same reasons: I- The increase of inner-city crime, home invasions, robbery,drug traffic, drive-by shootings. II- Unhealthy industrial environment : violation of EPA(Environmental Protection Agency). Federal standards pertaining to harmful emissions and chemical contamination, as well as accidents due to violation of OSHA(Occupational Safety and Health Administration) standards. III- Atmospheric pollution and traffic congestion. IV- Relocation of business parks and shopping centers to the outgoing suburbs. In the case of Dayton in particular, the demise of NCR, GM, DHL, HEWITT SON FACTORY, have all contributed to massive unemployment and relocation and displacement of the city’s residents. Large National and international retailers and franchises such as Kroger, Wal-mart, McDonald’s have traditionally, perceeded their decisions to locate in a metropolitan area, based upon a impact assessment of the location. Such assessment have been based upon most of the considerations that I have just itemized, and include others such as geographical flood and storm histories, traffic patterns, age, income, and educational demographics and statistical analysis. Judging from this itemized list it becomes obvious why Dayton lacks the presence of some of these franchises in certain areas. My target date for completion of the proposed report shall be 60 days maximum or less after contract award. My recommended fee for completing the requirements of the contract is $175,000( one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars). A lesser amount can be considered by myself as an independent consultant, and in consideration of the city’s budget limitations. A schedule for intermediate reports and presentations shall be available on a bi-weekly time-table. How to cite Construction Management, Essays Construction Management Free Essays CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Chapter 4 Construction contracts. Author: Pawel Kotas, Polska Construction as a service activity having many dimensions. Starting from ideas, thru find funds, investor, design construction, find contractor, phase of construction, meet the requirements which investment needs to be in use and complete facility. We will write a custom essay sample on Construction Management or any similar topic only for you Order Now All these aspects are associated with large amounts of documents, permits. In this essay will be described various types of contracts between the investor and the contractor. Contract is an agreement between two or more parties to do something for a consideration establishes the basis for a contract. Because of business aspects of contracts problems can be solved in the court. Then the most important questions are: * Who are parties to a contract? * What are promises? * Other aspects of the contractual agreement. Construction contracts structure the way in which construction is purchased. There are variety between construction purchasing system and buying something in a store for instance mobile phone or sofa. When we have the finished product available for our inspection, we can decide whether it meets our requirements. Since the final product is available, we can purchase it from a single store. With the construction it works different. The facility is purchased before it is „manufactured†based on set of drawings and work descriptors. Finally item requires the purchaser to coordinate many entities to include: * Designers * Contractors * Subcontractors and vendors Major construction contract types The most widely used format of contract is the competitively contract. In public sector it is almost the only way to perform investment. The two main categories of competitively bid contracts are stipulated-sum contract and he unit-price contract. Both names refer to the method of quoting the price of work. Another contract format is the negotiated contract. In this way it is investor who after checking the strengths and weakness of the contractor’s proposal select the executor of the contract. This format is not the best option for public projects because favoritism can play a major part in determining which contractor is chosen. The factor that affect whether a contractor can be considered responsible. * Technical competence and experience Current financial position based on the firm’s balance sheet and income statement * Bonding capacity * Current amount of work under way * Past history of claim litigation * Defaults on previous contracts The major advantage which is essential for public work is that all bidders are treated equally and there are no favorites. That is very important because the political influence or another pressure can bias the selection of contractor. While construction contracts serve as a means of pricing construction, they also structure the allocation of risk to the various parties involved. The owner has the sole power to decide what type of contract should be used for a specific facility to be constructed and to set forth the terms in a contractual agreement. It is important to understand the risks of the contractors associated with different types of construction contracts. Lump sum contract In a lump sum contract, the owner has essentially assigned all the risk to the contractor, who in turn can be expected to ask for a higher markup in order to take care of unforeseen contingencies. Beside the fixed lump sum price, other commitments are often made by the contractor in the form of submittals such as a specific schedule, the management reporting system or a quality control program. If the actual cost of the project is underestimated, the underestimated cost will reduce the contractor’s profit by that amount. An overestimate has an opposite effect, but may reduce the chance of being a low bidder for the project. Unit price contract In a unit price contract, the risk of inaccurate estimation of uncertain quantities for some key tasks has been removed from the contractor. However, some contractors may submit an â€Å"unbalanced bid†when it discovers large discrepancies between its estimates and the owner’s estimates of these quantities. Depending on the confidence of the contractor on its own estimates and its propensity on risk, a contractor can slightly raise the unit prices on the underestimated tasks while lowering the unit prices on other tasks. If the contractor is correct in its assessment, it can increase its profit substantially since the payment is made on the actual quantities of tasks; and if the reverse is true, it can lose on this basis. Negotiated contracts An owner can enter into contract with a constructor by negotiating the price and method of reimbursement. This type can during the contract enter into fixed-price or unit –price contract. * Cost Plus Fixed Percentage Contract For certain types of construction involving new technology or extremely pressing needs, the owner is sometimes forced to assume all risks of cost overruns. The contractor will receive the actual direct job cost plus a fixed percentage, and have little incentive to reduce job cost. Furthermore, if there are pressing needs to complete the project, overtime payments to workers are common and will further increase the job cost. * Cost Plus Fixed Fee/ Variable Percentage Contract Under this type of contract, the contractor will receive the actual direct job cost plus a fixed fee, and will have some incentive to complete the job quickly since its fee is fixed regardless of the duration of the project. However, the owner still assumes the risks of direct job cost overrun while the contractor may risk the erosion of its profits if the project is dragged on beyond the expected time. When the fee is paid as a variable percentage the contractor agrees to a penalty if the actual cost exceeds the estimated job cost, or a reward if the actual cost is below the estimated job cost. * Target Estimate Contract This is another form of contract which specifies a penalty or reward to a contractor, depending on whether the actual cost is greater than or less than the contractor’s estimated direct job cost. Usually, the percentages of savings or overrun to be shared by the owner and the contractor are predetermined and the project duration is specified in the contract. Bonuses or penalties may be stipulated for different project completion dates. * Construction Management In construction management type contracts, one form is retained to coordinate all activities from concept design through acceptance of the facility. The firm represents the owner in all activities. It is the easiest way to construct the facility, but because of the fact that there must be employ addition company taking care about everything the price can be higher, and it might be easy way for the management companies to fool the investor. Bibliography: Construction Managment J. F. Collins How to cite Construction Management, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Quantitative and Qualitative Mixed Models data Analysis
Question: Describe about the main ideas of Quantitative and Qualitative Mixed Models data Analysis methods? Answer: Section 1 Literature review and ANOVA Mixed model data analysis is consist with the two main important analysis processes such as qualitative data analysis and quantitative data analysis. When we get the output for an experiment as a number or quantity, then we use the quantitative data analysis. There are several data analysis process or methods are available for quantitative data set. We can perform descriptive statistical analysis or inferential statistical analysis which is depends on our research question. Sometimes, we get the qualitative data for some experiments and for this qualitative data; we cannot use all the methods which are useful for the quantitative data analysis. We use other statistical data analysis methods for the qualitative data analysis. There are several data analysis methods are available for the qualitative data analysis. For some experiment, we have available both types of data, that is, experiment produces qualitative and quantitative data at the same time, then we need to use the both types of data analysis methods, this types of data analysis is called as the mixed models data analysis. In the mixed model data analysis, the primary step is to identify the variables for which we want to study or analyse the data regarding some particular variables. To decide or fix our goal or aim is very important in the mixed model data analysis. For the both qualitative and quantitative data analysis, collection of data is very important step for further research. Without data we cannot draw the conclusions regarding our hypothesis or claims regarding the different variables under study. Collection of data consist of several methods, we can use different sampling methods for collection of data. it was found that if we get the big sample, then we get more accurate results. Also, collection of data in the systematic format is very important. It is very useful to divide the data according to different categories. Sometimes, in the qualitative data analysis, we are not given any catego ries or label, then we need to divide the variable according to categories, label to these categories and coding is also important in the qualitative data analysis process. After collection of data, for the quantitative data analysis, we simply apply the different descriptive statistical methods and inferential statistical methods. We can calculate the different values for parametric estimation or descriptive statistics. We can use the non-parametric methods sometimes. For the qualitative data analysis, we can apply different qualitative data analysis methods and then we can calculate the desirable statistic value for proving our goals or aims regarding the hypothesis or claims stated by researcher. After both types of data analysis, we can draw the conclusions for given variables or claims regarding the variables under study. In the descriptive statistics, we study the mean, mode, median, minimum, maximum, standard deviation, variance, range, skewness, kurtosis etc. There are lot of statistical softwares. We can use these softwares for getting the descriptive statistics values for the further analysis. In the inferential statistics, we apply the different statistical hypothesis tests for the given data. Selection of the proper test is very important in proving the claim or hypothesis under study. If we select the improper statistical tests, then we cannot get the correct conclusions. There are so many hypothesis tests are available and after checking all assumptions for using any particular test, we can apply this test to the given data and we can draw the conclusions for the given hypothesis stated for the test. After deciding the appropriate test, it is important to establish the null and alternative hypothesis for this test. This is nothing but the deciding our claim regarding the variable under study. After deciding our claim, we have to fix some level of significance or alpha value for the test. This is important because it gives us reliability or accuracy about the results of the test. In most of the times we take the level of significance as 5% or 0.05. Next step in the testing of hypothesis is to find the test statistic value and we can find this test statistic value by calculating the given formula for the test statistic. After finding the value for the test statistic value, we can find the p-value for the given value by using some statistical tables. Then we compare this p-value with the given level of significance or alpha value and then we take the decision regarding the null hypothesis according to the decision rule for the rejecting or not rejecting the null hypothesis. The decision rule for the rejecting or not rejecting the null hypothesis is given as below: Decision rule: We reject the null hypothesis if the p-value is the less than the given level of significance or alpha value and we do not reject the null hypothesis if the p-value is greater than the given level of significance or alpha value. Now, we have to see what is the ANOVA is. If we are given the two samples for testing the averages or means regarding the population data, then we can use the t test or z test. We can only use the z or t test when there are two samples. But many times, we need to compare more than two samples for the population means or averages for the given data set. In this condition, we use the ANOVA test instead of using the z or t test. Before applying the ANOVA test, we need to check some assumptions for this test. The null and alternative hypothesis for this test is given as below: Null hypothesis: H0: All population means for the all variables are same. Alternative hypothesis: Ha: All population means all variables are not same. We can also write these hypotheses as below: Null hypothesis: H0: There is no any significant difference in all population means. Alternative hypothesis: Ha: There is significant difference exists in the given population means. After applying this test, we get the test statistic value F for this test and then we can find the p-value for this test. At last, after comparing the p-value with the given level of significance or alpha value, we can take the decision about the null hypothesis regarding the given variables under study. Tests of independence In the quantitative and qualitative data analysis, sometimes we need to use the tests of independence for the given two categorical variables. In this test we check the claim that whether the given two categorical variables are independent or not. For example, we can check the hypothesis that the gender and education are independent from each other. One of the main important tests in testing the independence between two categorical variables is the chi square test for independence. Let us see this in detail given below: Chi square test for independence For checking the independence between the two categorical variables, we use the chi square test for independence. We use this chi square test for independence for the given two categorical variables from the single population. By using this test, we check the claim whether there is any association exists between the given two categorical variables or not. This test consists of some steps. First of all, preparation of the null and alternative hypothesis is very important because we have to decide what we have to prove by using this test. Then after, we fix some level of significance or alpha value for this test. Next step is to find the test statistic value for this test by using the formula given for this test. After finding the test statistic value, we find the p-value for this test. Then after, we can simply compare this p-value with the given level of significance or alpha value, and then we can take the decision regarding the null hypothesis for whether reject the null hypothesis or do not reject the null hypothesis that the given two categorical variables are independent. Also, there are some other tests for checking independence. We need to use these tests for independence according to available data and assumptions or conditions. Section 2 For the section 2, we have to search the five journal articles from the EBSCO or Google scholar. The following articles are taken from the Google scholar. Let us see all these articles step by step given below: 5 journal articles Article 1: Objectively Measured Sleep Characteristics among Early-Middle-Aged Adults The CARDIA Study Abstract In this article, the researcher finds out the relationship between the number of hours a person sleeping and the risk of cardiac problems. Researcher collects the data of 669 participants in the year 2003 to 2004 and then researcher use this data for statistical analysis. After doing this statistical analysis, researcher draw the conclusions about the relationship between the number of hours person sleeping and the risk of cardiac problems. For this research, researcher used the data of the early middle aged adults. Article 2: Sleep Habits and Patterns of College Students: A Preliminary Study Abstract: For this article, researcher studies the sleep habits and patterns of college students. Researcher collects the data for the number of hours student sleep and the marks obtained by the student in the college courses. Then researcher do some statistical analysis and draw some conclusions regarding the numbers of hours student sleeps and the marks obtained by student for different college courses. Article 3: Education and Stratification in Developing Countries Abstract This article is based on the study of education and inequality in development in regions. Also this article focuses on the relationship between the educational background and the families financial condition. For this purpose, researcher collects the data for some developing countries and then researcher do some statistical analysis and check his claims. After his research, he found that there is financial gap or economic gap in the different regions due to the education level of families in these regions. Article 4: Wealth, Expenditures And Decision-Making For Education Abstract: This article is based on the wealth, expenditures and decision making for education. Researcher collects the data regarding the wealth; expenditure and education from some region and then researcher do some statistical data analysis. After doing this data analysis, researcher points out the some relationship between these three factors. Article 5: A simulation study of crop growth and development under climate change Abstract: In this article, the researcher provides the simulation study of crop growth and development under the different climate change. Researcher collects data from different climatic conditions for the some crop and then researcher finds out that what is the effect of climate changes on the total yield of the crop production and the crop development. For this study, researcher used the different statistical regression models. Section 3 In this section, we have to discuss the two articles out of five articles given in the second section. We select the article 1 and 2 for discussion. Let us see the discussions for these articles in detail: Article 1: Objectively Measured Sleep Characteristics among Early-Middle-Aged Adults The CARDIA Study Abstract Researcher collects the data for the number of hours the person sleep and the risk of cardiac problem. Researcher collects the data for the year 2003 2004. Researcher collects the data for the early middle aged adults. Researcher collects the data for the 669 participants. Researcher collects the data regarding to the time in bed, time required to fall asleep, sleep duration and sleep efficiency. All the participants were of the age group 38 50 years. out of the 669 participants, 58% were women. The percentage for the black persons was 44%. For this data, researcher get the mean time in bed was 7.5 hours with the standard deviation 1.2 hours. Researcher found the mean sleep latency time as 21.9 minutes with standard deviation 29 minutes. The mean sleep duration was found as 6.1 hours with the standard deviation 1.2 hours. Mean sleep efficiency was found as 80.9% with standard deviation 11.3%. Also it was found that average sleep duration for white women as 6.7 hours and for white m en, it was observed as 6.1 hours. For black women, it was 5.9 hours and for black men, it was observed as 5.1 hours. Researcher concluded that sleep duration and quality have the consequences for health and it is strongly associated with the race, sex and socioeconomic status of the person. Article 2: Sleep Habits and Patterns of College Students: A Preliminary Study Abstract: For this article, researcher collects the data for the college students for the total number of student sleeps and the marks obtained in the college courses. Data is collected for some US college students. Data is collected from the rural and urban areas for checking the relationship between the college performance and the regions. Also, researcher suggest that how the colleges and university officials alter procedures to minimize students sleep disturbances and reduce the deleterious effects of sleep problems on the academic performance. References: 1. David Freedman, Robert Pisani, Roger Purves, Statistics, 3rd ed., W. W. Norton Company, 1997.2. Morris H. DeGroot, Mark J. Schervish Probability and Statistics, 3rd ed., Addison Wesley, 2001.3. Leonard J. Savage, The Foundations of Statistics, 2nd ed., Dover Publications, Inc. New York, 1972.4. Robert V. Hogg, Allen T. Craig, Joseph W. McKean, An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, 6th ed., Prentice Hall, 2004.5. George Casella, Roger L. Berger, Statistical Inference, 2nd ed., Duxbury Press, 2001.6. David R. Cox, D. V. Hinkley, Theoretical Statistics, Chapman Hall/CRC, 1979.7. Peter J. Bickel, Kjell A. 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