Friday, November 29, 2019
Shark Essays - Shark Finning, Sharks, Carcharhinidae, Ichthyology
Shark Killing Among some of the most wasteful reasons to hunt in the world I'd have to say that besides the killing of elephants for their tusks, this is on top of the list for one of the worst reasons a blue shark is killed. And sadly enough the United States is one of the top countries to blame. In Hawaii and Mexico shark finning is very common. The fishermen fish the sharks take the fins, and throw it back into the water. The fins are mainly used for fin soup as a status symbol for the Japanese. They eat it for fin soup. Since the fins contain a high dose of ammonia smell and taste they must be processed quickly and tossed back into the ocean, and a lot of times the fish is thrown back into the water alive. Conservation's main cause for concern is the fact that the sharks have a very low reproduction rate. They don't typically reproduce until the age of twenty-five, and even then they only produce a few babies. At The rate these fishermen hunt them the sharks will possibly become endangered in the next few years. This is one of the most cruelest things I've ever heard, and not just the killing of them for the fins, but that fact that they are thrown back into the water without fins. How is the shark supposed to survive and even swim? That is so cruel. Maybe someone should cut off fishermen's legs and arms, and watch them try to survive. It probably would probably hard for the fisherman to survive, he'd be a physical vegetable. I hope the United States does something urgently to control this growing problem before it gets out of hand. The people can do something about it by obviously not buying shark products but also by writing letters and sending petitions to congress, we could also spread the word in other ways in Japan and Hong Kong. But I think if the US stopped the finning, other countries would probably follow and sales would go down, giving the sharks a chance to live and breed in peace.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Essay Sample on the War Measures Act in World War I
Essay Sample on the War Measures Act in World War I Free example essay on The War Measures Act: I found the War Measures Act by going to the University of British Columbia Law Library and asking the librarian for help. I asked if he could help me find the act, and he proceeded to lead me to the stacks where it was located. In this report, I will examine the contents of the act- specifically the balance of power between the Governor in Council and Parliament, as well as the historiographical context surrounding its creation. The War Measures Act is based in World War One. World War One started surrounding the various alliances present in Europe at the time. Serbia, which was ruled by Austria-Hungary, was thrown into chaos by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and Russia, an ally of Serbia came to it’s defence. France was allied to Russia, thus the French came to Russia’s defence. Great Britain was also allied to Russia and France, in addition to promising to defend Belgium’s neutrality. â€Å"When Germany invaded Belgium, Britain declared war.†(1.) Now, Canada, which was still ruled politically by Great Britain, was automatically committed to the defense of Great Britain. In preparation for the war, Parliament convened and unanimously passed the War Measures Act, which was a statute declaring that the Prime Minister’s Cabinet had the right to ‘suspend the civil liberties of anyone suspected of collaborating with the enemy and to regulate any area of society deemed essential for the conduct of the war.’ (2.) Once the act had gone through Parliament, it gave the federal cabinet an incredible amount of power. Upon close examination, however, Parliament did retain the ability to impose itself upon these powers, as will be explored. The War Measures Act begins with a clause specifying the conditions of war. It opens with the phrase: ‘The issue of a proclamation by Her Majesty or under the authority of the Governor in Council shall be conclusive evidence that war, invasion or insurrection, real or apprehend, exists†¦or†¦[continues] until by the issue of a further proclamation [it has ended]’. (3.) It is interesting to note that it is not by declaration of the Canadian Parliament that war is declared to have begun or ended, but by the Queen or the Governor in Council. Once the act had gone through Parliament, it gave the federal cabinet an incredible amount of power. This is important because at the time the act was passed, the Governor in Council was the Queen’s representative in Canada. This political institution linked Great Britain with Canada, which is subsequently the political reason that Canada was committed to the defense of Great Britain and her allies. (4.) It is in this brief section that wide discretionary powers were granted, and when one reviews the powers in conjunction with the last statement of the subsection, the extent to which the federal cabinet were given control becomes clear. It is not clearly stated what the stipulations are which would specify whether war, invasion or insurrection exists, merely that the Governor in Council has the authority by proclamation to declare it so. Once this proclamation has been issued, only a further proclamation by the Governor in Council can declare the war, invasion or insurrection as being over. The powers of the Governor in Council (Governor General) explicitly specify that it had the authority to make enactments necessary for the ‘security, defence, peace, order and welfare of Canada’, The special powers of the Governor in Council ‘extend to all matters coming within the classes of subjects hereinafter inumerated.’ These include: censorship and control of communications; arrest, detention, exclusion and deportation; control of the waters and movement of vessels; transportation by land, air or water as well as persons or things; trading, exportation, importation, production and manufacture; and control over property and its use. (5.) The act then puts ‘all orders and regulations made under this section [as having] the force of law’. The Governor in Council is given the authority to enforce them, ‘as [it] may prescribe’ as well as the powers to ‘vary, extend or revoke’. (6.) Now, any law which is put into effect must have some sort of punishment accrued to it, and yet again, the Governor in Council is given complete discretion in this matter. ‘The Governor in Council may prescribe the punishment that may be imposed for contraventions of orders and regulations made under this Act,’. (7.) Under section 6 of the War Measures Act, Parliament retained the right to check the federal government. In 6.3 it states that where there has been a proclamation pursuant to subsection 2, that the proclamation shall be debated, and ‘if both Houses of Parliament resolve that the proclamation be revoked, it ceases to be in effect.’ (8.) Furthermore, sections 3, 4, 5 – the force of law, imposition of punishment and no release of aliens – ‘cease to be in force until they are brought into force by a further proclamation.’ (9.) This may seem redundant, although it is not, because for the first time in the act, there are stipulations which are put on the Governor in Council. Another proclamation must be made ‘without prejudice to the previous operation of those sections; anything done or suffered under them; or any offence committed or punishment incurred.’ (10.) This is to say that the previous effects of the proclamation must not be use d as evidence that a further proclamation should be announced. Further to these stipulations, the act must not in any way ‘abrogate, abridge or infringe’ upon the Canadian Bill of Rights. (11.) In conclusion, it is important to make mention of the historiographical context in which this act was written. At the start of World War One, the world was changing dramatically. The Industrial Revolution had altered the position of Great Britain in international relations. With the advent of the industrialization of countries which were previously agricultural, Great Britain began to meet competition on the world economic market. (12.) A wave of protectionism arose in which Great Britain was not allowed to participate in free trade with most other European Countries. This had the effect of stimulating interest in Great Britain’s Commonwealth as regions which could supply raw materials for domestic industries. (13.) Thus, at the start of the war, Great Britain, and subsequently Canada, were forced to draw upon their collective resources to fund the war effort. The exigencies under which the War Measures Act was written could therefore be viewed as a response to the internation al climate which Canada, as part of the British Commonwealth, were faced with. The Powers of the Governor in Council- which are the substance of the act, could be interpreted as an exertion of control over the Canadian domestic realm. Censorship and control of communications, as well as the measures of deportation, were a response to the increased modes of communication made possible by advances in technology. Similarly, the control of points of entry and transport of persons and things were measures to ensure Great Britain’s control over its dominion. The political leaders of Canada at this time, both French (led by Henri Bourassa) and English (led by Wilfred Laurier) were in support of this. Henri Bourassa ‘initially supported Canadian participation, seeing the survival of France and Britain as vital to Canada.’ (14.) English Canadians were naturally in support of Great Britain, and again, they were bound to Britain by virtue of their political ties.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Exploratory Narrative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Exploratory Narrative - Essay Example They even use hidden cameras to see pin numbers as they are typed in by cardholders and then later on they steal wallets and withdraw cash from ATM machines (Safdar). The ease of robbing others is making this crime popular amongst individuals with criminal minds and intentions. This crime is on the rise and the loss of wealth can be significant if this crime goes undetected. I therefore strongly feel that we can all become the next target of such criminals. I feel that this crime must be stopped by card issuing companies by changing the design of information storage on cards, which is possible if they use small chips for storing information. Moreover, on individual basis we can take certain precautions to prevent criminals from getting access to our private information. When using the cash machine I will surely look out for any signs of glue, hidden cameras, and even cover my hand when I type in my pin code. Only this way I can avoid being robbed and loose my hard earned
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Business- Service Operations Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business- Service Operations Evaluation - Essay Example There exists no fast and hard rule concerning this, though sometimes there is a penalty to pay for possessing the newest mobile cell phone on the market. Free line rental contracts The severe competition between cell phone networks explains that they have to give substantial incentives for one to enter a long-term contract. The majority of the chief mobile networks give free line rental deals (Lancaster, 2007.p.19). Inexpensive mobile phone invoices Mobile contracts generally offer more viable deals on texts and calls than the Pay As You Go deals (Cohen, 2008.p.461). Despite the fact that one will pay for any texts and calls over those incorporated in their contract, most citizens find that no matter the network they are using, they still get an inexpensive mobile phone transaction by turning on to a mobile phone deal from a Pay As You Go phone (Mennen, 2005.p.78). Extras and gifts The majority of mobile networks give a range of gifts and extras when a person enters into a mobile tel ephone contract with them. For instance, one may get a free headset or free accessories set. The new trend has seen many exhilarating gifts, thrown in with deals. Of late, one may discover that he is able to receive gifts such as Xbox 360s, iPod Nanos, and play station. A few even give a free laptop. 2. Development of evaluation criteria Average miniature Usage One should keep in mind that it is normally easier to rise in minutes than downward once they enter into the contract. Many people utilize less time, and they should begin as low as they think they can go. However, they should not underestimate their usage as they may get themselves paying astronomical overage fees. One should monitor his usage cautiously and change his plan accordingly. Data handling considerations Smartphone are ever more fashionable, and while it may be probable to depend only on Wi-Fi, the majority of users will yearn to have a wireless strategy for mobile Internet availability on the go. Most of the cell phone providers need a wireless information plan to qualify for the Smartphone (Yuan, 2005.p.17). The usual utilization is not more than 750MB every month, though several users can go well over that in every month, mainly with heavier media use like a video or streaming music. Family and friends options It is ordinary for main cell phone companies to offer free phone-to-phone minutes to clients on the same network. One will need less all time minutes if more of their contacts are also utilizing similar carrier. Likewise, if one has many people in the family who will be making use of cell phones, the most inexpensive alternative would be to put everybody on the same mobile phone plan (Levene, 2007.p. 34). Commonly, one will have lesser activation fees, and they will typically compensate less in every month for extra phones on a similar plan. Making a knowledgeable Decision For one to be certain that he is making the best alternative for the situation, the most crucial thing one can do is to assess the precise needs in terms of texting, minutes, long distance data and other required features (Parker & Crew, 2008. P.35). It is necessary to compare plans on a minute basis or megabyte in the situation of data. One should consider the features and bonuses that companies incorporate with the given plan, such as, worldwide messages, mobile-to-mobile, among others. This will permit one to determine the finest
Monday, November 18, 2019
Description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Description - Essay Example We decided to go to the stadium almost an hour before as we wanted to enjoy the tranquility of the stadium, which drowns and is alien to the field once the game begins. Plus we wanted to see the waiting rooms, rest rooms and cafeteria because they all had created such hype. The rumors were true; everything was up to the mark and immaculate. We were afraid that we won't be able to get a decent spot for parking but we were elated to see the organized setup for parking at the Centurylink Plaza. After parking the car at the nearby Plaza, we stepped on to the magnificent threshold of the stadium and the scene before us was spellbinding. For a second or two, our minds and hearts swayed from the sheer beauty of it. The musky and dewy scent of the grass, the very audible chirping of the birds, and the crystal clear visibility of everything mystified us. It was as if everything else had shrunk behind, amplifying this glorious moment. A painter would have killed to capture those beautiful colo rs. Our hands itched to grab the sense of familiarity and to keep it with us forever. Besides the creativity of this stadium, the practicality is also to be applauded. The chairs, or benches, had enough space in between that people could easily pass through. Another pleasant surprise was that the restrooms were spotless and there were around fifteen washrooms which meant you did not have to wait much. Then the crowd began to pour in. Everyone was as excited and as awed as we were. The eagerness, the enthrallment and nervousness were visible on every ones face. The typically scrumptious aroma of hot dogs, popcorns, tacos and beers, which are a complete necessity when it comes to a thrilling game, completed the picture. Everyone was prepared for the battle and the exhilaration was practically radiating from them. And then the superstars of the sounders team came barreling from one side of the stadium. The adrenaline rush of seeing these heroes was expected. The huddle was what I had o nly seen in movies. Optimism and promise to win the game could be felt by the millions of high spirited spectators. All of a sudden, the whole ground thundered with cheers and the game began. Whenever the sounders excelled, the audience went bonkers, and their excitement spilled out of the stands where they were confined. But when the opposing team bagged any points, the other half of the stadium cheered. And yes, the smoke of cigarettes was also quite pungent when the other team scored higher. When the match was coming to an end, the tension was palpable. The coaches, the players and the spectators were chewing their nails, saying their prayers and had their fingers crossed. Osvaldo Alonso and Alex Caskey played really well. My brother and cousins are his huge fans and they couldn’t stop singing his praises. The final penalty round was really difficult to take. It was as if everything was in slow motion like a movie. The cheers, the sighs went absolutely still. There was jus t the sound of a final swift kick and that’s it. A full stop. After an eternity, the shrill sound of the whistle, a signal from the referee caused every sounders fan's heart sore. They were basking in the glory of victory. The most befuddling stadium was filled with people hugging each other and patting backs. If there were tears in everyone’s eyes, then that was no surprise. It is mandatory to have intense feelings after such an intense game. This place is full of vigor and energy, and
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Information Systems Essays Business Information Systems
Information Systems Essays Business Information Systems Business Information Systems (Technology, development and management for the e-business. Business Information Systems is business on the Internet for the benefit of all. It is essentially electronic business. The horizon of e-business encompasses the globe, free from the limited scope of customary bricks and mortar shops. It is the selling of products and services online, which is termed also as e-commerce. Although the term â€Å"electronic commerce†is related more with business to consumer (B2C) applications IT has enabled this to cross over into the business-to-business (B2B) field as well. Through business information systems, purchasing processes are contoured to handle orders and their delivery, thus resulting in minimal paper work and labour required. Earlier, it was a practice to do business in hard copy for invoices and purchase orders. Now, documents in bulk, with particular format or data keying, are transferred electronically. A business can manage its Catalogue online by maintaining it up-to-date and current on its supplies, prices, discounts, without reprinting its catalogues. The Fine food Company, an established name in the food industry has finally made up its mind to run its business activities on the escalator of latest technology, to keep abreast with the changing times. Earlier, it was operating its business on a paper-based traditional set up. The company wants to increase its turnover by 10% and net profits to 9 per cent and hopes to be accredited for BS5750 within next 6 months. This decision of the management of the Fine Food Company (FFC) will certainly increase its reputation. A food conglomerate has to cater to a varied customer base through its shops and supermarkets, catering to standard and priority orders for quick delivery. A food company, working in a traditional set up has to handle its sales activities through its sales persons, who receive orders, payments, see through the orders to their fulfillment and answer routine questions. Customers are categorized geographically, depending on a customer’s type and product demand. A sales head can change his mindset to change a customer into a different category at any moment. The Fine Food Company has appointed an Information systems expert, to manage the affairs of the smooth running of its newly created IT department. In a paper-based communication, order processing can be quite a cumbersome procedure to follow. Order copies have to be retained by sales people and sent to the warehousing and distribution departments in date-wise format so that at the time of delivery, they are accompanied with an invoice and consignment note. The delivery man has to bring back a signed copy of the consignment. Warehousing involves keeping the produce in different temperature zones and shifting the goods to different locations, upkeep of raw products and finished goods. Card files have to be maintained manually whenever updating is required. David Jenkins has to see that all these complexities can be removed by opting for different solutions that go along with the FFC scheme to incorporate those software solutions with a range of proprietary software like Epicor eWarehouse. A food company’s manufacturing process involves simple repackaging to not so simple enlisting of detail of different recipes. Keeping this in mind, software should integrate with the central system. To run a micro supply chain, different interfaces are required for the stability of the product. Otherwise, the finances of a food company that is still working on obsolete, labour intensive framework, could be quite complex to handle. Accounts payable are managed with a manual purchase ledger. Financial accounting has to be done by following the legal accounting requirements and Management accounting, which is must to know the inside of the food joint’s accounting information – essential to control a company’s finances. All this requires up-to-date maintenance of manual sales ledger and preparation of weekly reports on the customer’s financial records. Inventory was also checked against its distributor’s location. FFC has multiple distributors, having varied processes at their locations. An e-business food company like Fine Foods may want to know the details of their product’s price, name of the buyer and  the location. Software solutions like Epicor provide a mirror to adjustment transactions. â€Å"Epicor eWarehouse has enabled us to mirror our inventory in remote locations, and we have automated the process of the shipping and receiving of data,†says Cummings of B.C. Hot House. Working of a food house is complex in nature. Farmers sell their products to them; suppliers replenish the stock of packaging material. The entire process of managing the graded and semi-graded products of a range of growers is an uphill task. It involves putting the goods into bins, categorizing them into different packing material etc. To fulfill the demand, and gain a competitive edge over other players in the food industry, FFC has numerous options and tools to choose from like e-business software solution providers Movex B2B solutions. Core ERP solutions offer dialogue with the customers and add value to the business through information via the Internet. Another important tool in the e-commerce arena is Data Synchronization. Leading food giant companies are pushing their suppliers to enlist for electronic data interchange (EDI). As there is a high risk of committing errors in maintaining data manually because different departments have no identical way to save product information. Labour intensive methods of compiling and reconciling the data are prone to human errors. The example of Wal-Mart in data synchronization is a prime example for the Industry to follow. Randy Salley, Vice President of Wal-Mart Information Systems has supported the industry standards set by the GSMP choosing UCCnet as their GS1 GDSN Certified recipient data pool. Implementation of this technology is going to result in exact purchase orders, better invoice matching, better than before replacement of stocks. The process has been made easier than before with the arrival of IBM, GXS and other players developing Product Information Management (PIM) systems. There is the example of Sun Valley Foods, a Division of Cargill, which has also opted for B2B to improvise on its food product’s development and distribution. It has gone for Supply Chain Management (SCM) as well. The software solution has facilitated a safe hosting extranet along with a personalized portal interface, allowing space for product packaging, marketing and research. It will result in better collaboration between different departments such as warehousing, distribution and sales, removing hindrances like determination of the status of an order, late delivery, incomplete orders and wrong products, which were faced earlier. Now, Warehousing would be prioritizing big orders to small ones to speed marketing and on the whole transaction flow. The information technology platform offers a centralized web-based repository of reporting tools, resulting in no manufacturing delays. The SCM technologies improve the grading of a product as well as its marketing timing. The Internet facilitates the booking of orders at once to all departments, to proceed to realize it without getting involved in lengthy phone calls. Websites are used as a marketing tool, to offer the retail customers a place to visit the gallery of products and a platform for wholesalers for ordering information, an online catalogue and online order forms. All this is not possible on a traditional platform of working through hard copy. Now, orders are placed with a user name and password and then forwarded to fill an online purchase form. In fact, it is a wonderful example of assimilation of technology – developed and managed efficiently. Intranets help sales people to know the current financial and sales effect. Real-time financial reports can be generated, eliminating the scope of incomplete sales returns, making Management Accounting an easy task, as accurate information can be accessed and forwarded to all departments. Late publishing of accounts, due to wrong information, is never an issue. Internet and intranet applications have resulted in solid savings and better efficiency. Within the company, the intranet financial report application gives the management sufficient time to go through information in the generated reports and work out a strategy/response accordingly. Future Benefits – The Fine Food Company is hopeful to benefit by the introduction of the latest technology. Benefits include online access to latest information on the inventory, customer contact, credit status, order position and online nets. It will offer to work on system-to-system basis with big clients who have their own ERP solutions, resulting in contouring of EDI process. XML will enable the swapping of invoices, buying orders and shipping notices straight to the clients, online. Smaller customers will also benefit through e-business solutions via the Internet. As they don’t have ERP systems, companies would be able to offer additional customer service through their reach to accounts and sales statistics information over the Internet. Big retailers would be able to forecast their demands through the Internet. Once this becomes possible allover the supply line, the company’s e-business infrastructure will be in a position to forecast their stock needs according to their actual demands, resulting in optimization of stocks. Companies can march towards appreciable consumer response and Vendor Managed Inventory, enjoying the benefits of technology and development processes. Future forecasting for large retailers is quite bright, as e-business infrastructure will enable them to place their orders straight to the supplier, through the Internet. Conclusion: The trend of opting for e-business is catching speed. Businesses are using different forms of Internet-supported services like e-procurement, e-mailing and websites, saving a great deal of time and cost. A business can solve its customer’s technical hardware and software problems by working on virtual computer systems. This trend is going to continue with the advent of latest technologies like Internet enabled cell phones and PDAs. Bibliography:
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
J.D. Salingers Catcher In The Rye :: J.D. Salinger Catcher Rye Essays
J.D. Salinger's Catcher In The Rye The passage of adolescence has served as the central theme for many novels, but J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye, long a staple in academic lesson plans, has captured the spirit of this stage of life in hyper-sensitive form, dramatizing Holden Caulfield's vulgar language and melodramatic reactions. Written as the autobiographical account of a fictional teenage prep school student Holden Caulfield, The Catcher in the Rye deals with material that is socially scandalous for the times (Gwynn, 1958). As an emotional, intelligent, inquisitive, and painfully sensitive young man, Holden puts his inner world to the test through the sexual mores of his peers and elders, the teachings of his education, and his own emerging sense of self. Throughout the years, the language of the story has startled some readers. Salinger's control of Holden's easy, conversational manner makes the introduction of these larger themes appear natural and believable. (Bloom, 1990). At the time of the novel through today, Holden's speech rings true to the colloquial speech of teenagers. Holden, according to many reviews in the Chicago Tribune, the New Yorker, and the New York Times, accurately captures the informal speech of an average intelligent, educated, northeastern American adolescent (Costello, 1990). Such speech includes both simple description and cursing. For example, Holden says, "They're nice and all", as well as "I'm not going to tell you my whole goddam autobiography or anything." In the first instance, he uses the term "nice" which oversimplifies his parents' character, implying he does not wish to disrespect them, yet at the same time he does not praise them. At best he deems them as "nice and all." Holden further cuts short his description, but in a more curt manner, when he states he will not tell his "whole goddam autobiography or anything." From the start the reader picks up Holden's hostility and unwillingness to share his views strictly by his use of language (Salzman, 1991). From the last two examples, another colloquialism can be seen. Holden has a habit of ending his descriptions with tag phrases such as "and all" or "or anything." (Salzman, 1991). Not only does Holden speak like this in the beginning of the novel, but throughout the book, making this pattern a part of his character. One could imagine Holden frequently ending his sentences with "and all," realizing it is a character trait since not all teenagers used that phrase. So the "and all" tag to Holden's speech served to make his speech
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